Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

| Posted on July 15, 2015

Greetings from Big Sky Documentary Film Festival! The largest film festival in Montana and the premier venue for non-fiction film in the American West. Our filmmakers’ festival enjoys engaged audiences and inclusive industry networking. We also joined the ranks of the few festivals that are considered Oscar-qualifying (in the shorts categories) by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts. In the past 13 years we’ve cultivated a relationship with many film programs and thought we’d connect with yours to connect your students to this opportunity to screen at BSDFF. The festival hosts over 100 visiting artists, and presents an average of 150 non-fiction films. In 2016 our festival dates are February 19–28.

We know many of your students don’t have funding to apply to festivals, so we are thrilled to offer a student discount at half the regular fee. Students should email us at: with the subject: STUDENT DISCOUNT LINK. Our regular deadline is 9/1/15 and our extended final 10/14/15.

In addition, during the festival we hold the BIG SKY DOCSHOP: a five-day filmmakers conference to discuss the art and impact of filmmaking. DocShop tackles the changes happening in the world of filmmaking through panels, workshops, pitches, screenings and presentations. This coming year, the 2016 DocShop will focus on media activism and documentary film as catalysts for positive change. Filmmakers and activists that use media for change will discuss how social media, community forums, and other strategic plans can produce impactful campaigns. DocShop is a great experience for any veteran or emerging filmmaker.

   Gita Saedi Kiely