University Convocation

| Posted on August 25, 2015

by Sam Fry

Andrews University invites all new and returning students to join President Andreasen and faculty in celebrating the commencement of another academic year by attending University Convocation this Thursday, August 27, at 10:30 a.m. at Pioneer Memorial Church. 10:30 a.m. classes will be cancelled.

“University Convocation gathers administration, faculty, staff and students to begin the school year as a campus family,” says Debbie Weithers, associate dean of Student Life. “We formally and corporately entrust our lives to God, asking His blessing on our plans, work and studies. Convocation is a beautiful ceremony where the pomp and circumstance of higher education is on display, and we celebrate the richness of Andrews University traditions.”

Convocation will begin with an academic processional led by the Grand Marshal, featuring the President’s Cabinet, academic deans, omsbudspersons and chaplains in the processional party.

Post procession, David Faehner, vice president for University Advancement, will deliver his much-anticipated annual “Dave’s Top Ten,” a list of comedic reasons students give for coming to Andrews.

Randy Graves, vice president for Enrollment Management, will take a few minutes to recognize new students for their decision to come to Andrews.

Andrews University Student Association (AUSA) officers will also be present at the ceremony; AUSA president Jason Shockey and vice president Benjamin Koch will lead attendees in the University’s school song, “Our Dear A.U.”

President Niels-Erik Andreasen will present an inspirational address, followed by a dedicatory prayer by Dwight K. Nelson, lead pastor at Pioneer Memorial Church.

Refreshments will be served on the University Green following Convocation, and attendees are invited to stay for fellowship and live music provided by Cardinal Number. The co-curricular organizer will also be distributed to undergraduate students.

   Student Life