Chem & Biochem Celebrate Anniversaries
75th for dept; 50th for lecture series

by Becky St. Clair
Andrews University’s Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry invite you to attend the first of the 2015 ChemSem lecture series on Thursday, August 27, at 4:30 p.m. in the Chemistry Amphitheater, located on the first floor of Halenz Hall in the Science Complex.
The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is celebrating two anniversaries this year: The 75th anniversary of the department and the 50th anniversary of the lecture series itself.
Programming for this first occurrence of the weekly series will include a brief history of the department and seminar, honoring first graduates and other alumni, and an announcement of this year’s scheduled “Diamond & Gold” anniversary celebration events.
Also on the agenda is an opportunity to honor Dwain L. Ford, professor of chemistry, emeritus, by renaming ChemSem the Dwain L. Ford Lecture Series.
This event and all following seminars during this special year of celebration will be live-streamed and recorded. To tune in to the live stream, visit and click “seminar.” To watch recorded events, search “ChemSem” on YouTube to find the ChemSem channel.
For more information about upcoming Diamond & Gold anniversary events for the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, contact Desmond Murray, associate professor of chemistry, at or 269-471-6087.
If you are alumni of the department, or if you have guest lectured for a ChemSem in the past, please contact Murray to see how you can be involved in anniversary celebrations during the year.
Desmond Murray