Berrien Springs Camera Club Oct. Meeting

   Community Announcements | Posted on September 24, 2015

   The monthly meeting of the Berrien Springs Camera Club will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Berrien Springs Public Library at Cass (Old 31) and Union. This month’s program consists of a competition of prints and projected images, submitted by members, the first competition of the current season.

            As usual, there will be two select topics for the month. In addition, “Nature” is always an acceptable category, as is “Open” (any subject). The two select categories for the October competition are “What Is It?” and “Water.” The former could include anything whose identity might puzzle the viewers, maybe an unusual object or a close-up of a part of something. The latter will give leeway to those photographers who have many pictures of lakes, oceans, rivers, waterfalls, fountains, or any other water. “Nature” photos are to show nothing from human hands (no wires, fences, cultivated flowers, etc.). Thus a member can submit images in any of four categories or a combination thereof, though extra points are given for acceptances in the two select categories.

            Prints, at least 5" x 7" in size, should be mounted, with the title and photographer's name on the back. Digital submissions, however, need to be sent in ahead, with instructions for submitting them on the club’s blog site:

            Any member may submit up to 10 projected images and/or 10 prints for the competition, but no one is obligated to do so. Pictures are shown one at a time, and three judges score them by machine. The total points determine whether a photo is rated “honor,” “acceptance,” or “out.”  From the “honors,” a Slide-of-the-Month and a Print-of-the-Month are selected. Photographers’ names are not revealed for the “out” category. No one need feel embarrassment; this is a group of friends sharing experiences and tips for better photography.

All are welcome, either to observe or to join. Refreshments will be served.

   Madeline Johnston