Lake Union Conference Youth Evangelism Congress

   Community Announcements | Posted on October 19, 2015

The Youth Evangelism Congress is an event unlike any other.

In 2013, 450+ senior youth & young adults ages 16–35 in the Lake Union Conference gathered together with pastors, youth directors, ministerial directors, conference presidents, and Union administrators to be empowered and resourced for evangelism back in their local churches and communities. 

As a result, we had young adult leaders using up to $32,000 from a joint evangelism fund from LUC and the local churches to launch new campus ministries in public colleges and high schools, children's ministries, health ministries, and music ministries. Their goals were all the same: to bring the gospel to their local church community.

Coming in 2016, senior youth and young adults will meet again in Chicago for congress. On February 12–14, 2016, the Lake Union Conference will be having another Youth Evangelism Congress for those who feel they have been Called to Serve.

We will offer resources and ideas for evangelism to show you that you can make a change at your local church. We also offer a joint fund of up to $40,000 to make sure your evangelism projects see the light. We need to invest in our church and its senior youth and young adult leaders.

For more information or to register visit

Sponsors: Lake Union Conference, AU Center for Youth Evangelism, North American Division Ministerial Department
Related Website(s):

   Alexandra Mora

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