Wind Symphony Fall Concert

   Music | Posted on October 19, 2015

The Andrews University Wind Symphony, under the direction of Alan Mitchell, will present a fall concert in the Howard Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 8 p.m. The Wind Symphony, directed by Alan Mitchell, will perform "The Watch on the Rhine March" by von Blon, "English Waltz" by Grainger, "Prelude, Siciliano and Rondo" by Arnold and directed by Sebastian Ayala, graduate student director, "The Rakes of Mallow" by Anderson and "The Gum-Suckers March" by Grainger.

The concert will also feature Phil Barham, guest alto saxophonist from Tennessee Technological University, performing "Rhasody for Alto Saxophone" by Andre Waignein. General admission is $5, student and senior admission is $3. Call the Howard Center Box Office at 471-3560 for tickets.

   Alan Mitchell