Club Night
Sat, November 14, 2015 @ 07:00 pm - 11:15 pm

Saturday, November 14, has been declared “Club Night” this semester. The Office of Student Activities & Involvement wanted to specifically set aside a night for intentional club event promotion and support. This support includes not only PR from our office, but even small grants for clubs to be able to put on larger events that may not be financially feasible. (Clubs have already begun submitting proposals, so please be sure to do so ASAP! Example: funds to cover a sound technician for a film screening.)
Events may be club interest-related, or general social events. They may serve as fundraisers (i.e., charging non-club members a few dollars to participate) or social opportunities for other students to experience what your club has to offer and potentially want to join in the future, and simply have a night of fun. There will be no other AUSA or Student Activities events happening that evening in order to let the clubs shine and avoid competing with larger school-wide events. Your club would be responsible for choosing the location, reserving any venue, etc., as well as deciding on the time frame for your event. You then will share this information with Student Activities, and our office will put together a poster highlighting all events, include them in the Weekend Update email, Chapel feed, etc.
We want to encourage active participation in campus clubs and organizations, so the Office of Student Activities & Involvement is taking it one step further by giving your club an opportunity to be recognized as the most spirited club participating in Club Night. The club or organization that has the most social media posts with the hashtag “auclubnight15” and their club name (ex. #AFIA, #ASA, #POWER, #Enactus) by midnight on the 14th will receive $150 transferred to their club account.
If your club is interested in hosting an event on Club Night on November 14, please email sharing the details of your planned event (and then complete the event approval form on OrgSync).
Have any questions about this event? Don’t hesitate to email or stop by Student Life. Looking forward to hearing your ideas and seeing your events a part of Club Night!
Emily Carlson