From Amish to Adventist

   Community Announcements | Posted on October 22, 2015

Born and raised in an Amish community as the son of a Bishop, Andy's questions concerning the character of God and certain Bible teachings led him to an incredible journey of faith and discovery. Come hear the story of Andy and Naomi Weaver and find out how God led them to go beyond their religious upbringing and embrace the 3 angels messages.

Oct 30-31, 2015: "From Amish to Adventist"

Fri, Oct 30, 7:30 pm: Biology Amphitheater (Andrews University)
Sat, Oct 31, 11:15 am, 5 pm, 6 pm: Michiana Fil-Am Church (8454 Kephart Lane)

Sponsors: Michiana Fil-Am Church, Revive

   Steve Toscano