Environmental Benefits of Skipping Meat

   Andrews in the News | Posted on April 5, 2016

Trying to reduce your carbon footprint? You may want to take a closer look at the protein you put on your plate.

While the pollution generated to produce a typical 8-ounce steak is equivalent to driving a small car for about 29 miles, replacing that steak with the same weight of a vegetarian meat substitute is like driving the same car just three miles. Across the board, meatless alternatives are associated with substantially lower emissions than actual meat, according to an analysis of the environmental impacts of 39 meat substitutes presented at the American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting during Experimental Biology 2016.

"As the world population grows, there's an urgent need to produce protein-rich foods that are friendlier for the environment and healthy for people," said Alfredo Mejia, Dr.PH., an associate professor of nutrition at Andrews University and the study's lead author. "Our research shows that consumers can continue to enjoy meat-like tastes and textures while also significantly reducing their carbon footprint."

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