Area Youth Travel to National Bible Competition

   Local Churches | Posted on April 12, 2016

Three teams of area Pathfinders are headed to the final, Division level of Pathfinder Bible Experience.  The event will be held in Prescott, Arizona, this coming Sabbath, April 16.  Each team is comprised of six or seven youth, from grades 5 - 12, who have been studying the book of Exodus for the past several months.  The first test of their knowledge took place on February 6, when 13 area teams met at the Niles Westside SDA church for the Area Level meet.  There, each team answered 90 questions, then eagerly awaited the result.  Teams that scored 90% or better of the top score qualified to move on to the Conference Level, which was held at Great Lakes Academy on March 5, and then if qualifying there, to the Lake Union Level, held here, on the campus of Andrews University on March 18 - 19.  At the Lake Union event, six teams from Michigan Conference, three of which are from our local area, qualified for the final, Division Level event.

This coming Sabbath 96 teams from across the North American Division, as well as 4 teams from the United Kingdom, will be gathering in Prescott, Arizona, to test their knowledge of Exodus.  Please pray for all of these youth, and their sponsors, as they travel.  Pray that God will continue to work wonderfully in their lives as they experiece His word.

The three teams from our area, one from Pioneer Memorial Church Evergreen Pathfinders, and two from the Eau Claire Critters Pathfinders, will be travelling this week. There is considerable expense in transportng and housing this many youth from Berrien Springs to Arizona, and many of the families have stepped out in faith, knowing God brought their children this far, and will continue to bless.  If you wish to help one of these teams with their expenses, or if you wish to offer words of encouragement for the teams, you may contact the clubs through the following individuals, who will let you know how you can donate, or will pass along your words to the teams:

Eau Claire Critters:  Rahel Schafer,

PMC Evergreen Pathfinders: Ryan Clough,


   Ryan Clough