Luther Conference Call for Papers

   Research & Creative Scholarship | Posted on June 16, 2016

The Andrews University Departments of History & Political Science and Religion & Biblical Languages in collaboration with the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship and the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists' Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research proudly announces its upcoming conference to commemorate the 500-year anniversary of Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses. We welcome all scholarly paper or session proposals for the conference to be held at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, from October 31 to November 3, 2017.

The program committee welcomes scholarly proposals from all disciplines, time periods, and locales - with the common thread relating to Martin Luther, Protestantism, and/or the Reformation. Roundtable discussions that foster audience involvement are welcome as well. Please provide a 250-word abstract and cv by March 1, 2017 to

Sponsors: Departments of History & Political Science and Religion & Biblical Languages and the Office of Research & Creative Scholarship and SDA Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research
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   Sheila Penrod