Prayer/Worship Service in Light of Recent Killings

   Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary Dean's Office
   Wed, July 13, 2016 @ 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm
    Seminary Chapel

A worship service that seeks to confront the tension that everyone must live in; a tension that says trust in God but mourns when God does not seem to move fast enough; a tension that says God is a good Creator but society does not appreciate black and brown skin created by God; a tension that looks forward to the second coming of Christ but until then we must navigate through this life of pain and suffering. In light of all of these senseless killings, the Black Student Association of the Seminary (BSAS) and the Seminary Student Forum (SSF) have partnered together to provide a space for the pain to be felt while we seek God to transform that pain into praise, power, and purpose.

Sponsors: Dr. Hyveth Williams

   Mark Reid