Contagious Adventist Seminar

   Local Churches | Posted on September 8, 2016

Become a “certified” Contagious Adventist! The complete Contagious Adventist Seminar, developed for the North American Division, is presented this Fall at the Berrien Springs Village Church on seven selected Wednesday nights, beginning September 28. This energizing, interactive training series, presented by pastors Esther R. Knott and Skip MacCarty, and others, provides simple skills for intentional personal witnessing. It inspires members to create natural, winsome, faith-sharing moments, by finding common ground with others to share key points of the Adventist faith like the Great Controversy, the Sabbath, immortality, and the Second Coming. Designed for busy people coming directly from work, each session begins with a light supper at 5:30 p.m., followed by 90 minutes of interactive learning, and concludes promptly at 7:30 p.m. Check out the schedule and reserve your place now by registering at, or by calling: 269-471-7795.


   Village Church