Increase in Bicycle Thefts on Campus

   Campus Safety | Posted on September 16, 2016

Since the beginning of this school year we have seen an increase in bicycle theft on the Andrews campus. For the majority of these thefts, the bicycles were left unattended and unsecured. To protect your property and help reduce these types of crimes, please consider the following:


  • Register your bicycle: In the event your bicycle is lost/stolen, you will be asked to supply the make, model, color, and serial number. You can register your bicycle with Campus Safety for free, and we will store your bicycle information.
  • Secure your bicycle: By locking your bicycle frame to an approved storage location*, you significantly reduce the risk of your bicycle being stolen. Remember that “only leaving the bicycle for a minute” is enough time for it to be stolen. When selecting your lock, please consider using a chain/padlock or U-shaped locks which offer more security than a cable style lock.


  • If your bicycle is stolen, report it immediately. You can report any crimes to Campus Safety, law enforcement, or both.
  • At that time, you will be asked the following:
  1. Bicycle info: Make, model, color, serial number, AU registration number, distinguishing marks, and value.
  2. When did you last have your bicycle? (Date, time, and location)
  3. Was your bicycle secured? (This should be a yes.)
  • If you locate your stolen bicycle on campus, contact the agency you reported the theft to (Campus Safety or law enforcement). You should not take your bicycle back or engage the individual operating your bicycle.
  • For a recovered bicycle to be released to the owner, proof of ownership is required. Keep in mind that there may be more than one bicycle on campus that has the same make, model, or color as your bicycle. Without this information, it will be difficult to identify your bicycle as belonging to you vs. another individual. To prove ownership, you can:
  1. Identify your bicycle as being registered to you through Campus Safety
  2. Show your purchase receipt
  3. Show pictures of you with your bike

If you have any questions regarding these procedures, please contact Campus Safety at or 269-471-3321.

* Approved storage locations are bicycle racks on campus. Bicycles secured to railings, light poles, or other fixed objects will be removed by Campus Safety.

   Campus Safety