"Blessed Are the Demonstrators" Adventist Forum

   Community Announcements | Posted on September 20, 2016

Michiana Adventist Forum


Blessed Are the Demonstrators 


Jeff Boyd

Director, Adventist Peace Fellowship



Saturday Afternoon at 3:30 pm

September 24, 2016


Chan Shun Hall

Andrews University

Berrien Springs, MI


About the Speaker



Jeff Boyd is the Director of the Adventist Peace Fellowship and former managing editor of the journal Adventist Today. Currently he is a research support specialist in the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship at Andrews University. He is also host of the podcast Adventist Peace Radio. 


He holds an MBA degree from Andrews University and an MA in Peace Studies with a concentration in International Development from the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. During his MA studies, Jeff spent a year as an intern and volunteer at the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice in Ann Arbor, MI. 


He has served as Research Coordinator for Tiny Hands International, a Christian nonprofit agency fighting human trafficking in Nepal. While his wife, Charissa, was in graduate school at Andrews University from 2008 to 2010, Jeff worked for the Center for Youth Evangelism as the Director of WeCare Missions and as the Coordinator for Church of Refuge. Jeff and Charissa also spent three years teaching English and writing in South Korea. 


About the Topic


What does it mean to be a peacemaker? Is there anything unique about a Seventh-day Adventist peacemaker? What is the Adventist Peace Fellowship (APF)? If there is an Adventist peace movement, should I get involved-- or should I warn others about it? Do the early Adventist leaders Joseph Bates and John Byington have anything to say to Adventists today who are concerned about societal issues of peace and justice? How would you feel about accidentally participating in a demonstration? Jeff Boyd, director of the Adventist Peace Fellowship, will consider these questions and more. The presentation will include a mix of biblical studies, Adventist history, APF history, current events, and personal anecdotes.



The previously announced presentation by Dr. LaBianca has been rescheduled from October 15 to the new date of November 12.

   Debi Robertson