Job Bible Discussion Telephone Conference Call

   Community Announcements | Posted on October 11, 2016

If you are consistently missing adult discussion of the Bible Study Lessons--for any reason--whether because you are ardently and sacrificially focused on caring for others whether as a Sabbath School teacher in the younger Divisions, as a healthcare worker or just because you are just not a "morning person", you are invited to join the discussion!  You have watched Hope Sabbath School but might wish to have YOUR voice included in the interaction.  The Hope Sabbath School Study Materials are used as a guide in our discussions as we ponder 2 main points:  1) What main points appealed to me? and 2) How will I personally apply these points?

Join us Fridays, 7 pm - 8 pm by conference call.  Email or text (646) 494-1454 for information.



   Margaret Michel
   (646) 494-1454