Criminal Justice Rap Session, November 17 @ 7 PM

   Community Announcements | Posted on November 4, 2016

THE CONSORTIUM FOR SURVIVAL CONTROL ADVOCACY AND NAVIGATION(CSCAN) invites you to its event "Criminal Justice Rap Session on Nov. 17, during which topic such as 1) Overview of the criminal system, 2) Failures of the system, 3) Advocacy, 4) Community relations and 5) Personal Responsibilities, will be discussed. For more information contact Darrel Lall at

The presenters will be:

Donel Wimberley
Andrew J. Brown
Charles Motten
Police Chief Charles Sherene
Atty. Gregory P. Cleveland
Question & Answer directly following the presentation
Refreshments will be served.
Disclaimer: The opinions presented in this forum are solely and exclusively those of CSCAN and the individual contributors. Said opinions either expressed or implied neither represent nor may be attributed to the Courts of the criminal justice system, Law enforcement agencies; or allied governmental concerns. The sole intent of the dissemination of said opinions is for critical self-analysis. Said information is not given as legal advice in lieu of retained legal counsel.Disclaimer

Sponsors: Consortium for Survival Control Advocacy and Navigation (CSCAN)

   Darrel Lall