Pathfinder Leadership Training

   Pioneer Memorial Church
   Fri, February 10, 2017 @ 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Venue: PMC Junior 1 Sabbath School
There is no registration or cost required.
Basic Staff is for TLTs and adult staff.

AYMT Basic Staff
Feb. 10, 7:00pm. PFAD 001 Pathfinder Club ministry: It’s Purpose, History, and Relationship to Church and Adventurers
Feb. 11, 3:00pm. PFAD 002 Introduction to Pathfinder Organization
             4:15pm. PFAD 003 Introduction to Pathfinder Club Programing and Planning

             6:30pm. PFAD 005 Introduction to Basic Drill

Feb. 17, 7:00pm. PFAD 004 Introduction to Pathfinder Club Outreach

Feb. 18, 3:00pm. PYSO 104 Developmental Growth: Ages 10-15
             4:15pm. EDUC 001 Introduction to Teaching
             5:30pm. MEDI 100 Introduction to Medical, Risk Management and Child Safety Issues

Master Guide Skills Development
March 10, 7:00pm. Leadership
                8:15pm. Vision, Mission & Motivation

March 11, 3:00pm. Communication I
               4:15pm. Communication 2
               5:30pm. Learning Styles

March 31, 7:00pm. Creativity & Resource Development
                8:15pm. Creative Worships

April 1, 3:00pm. Evangelism
           4:14pm. Lead a Child to Christ
           5:30pm. Spiritual Gifts

Sponsors: CYE

   Cheryl Logan