Treacle Tarts, Bubble & Squeak and Mincemeat Pie
Dining Services to offer British fare

In an effort to more properly reflect the University’s ties to the United Kingdom, Dining Services has added several new items to its menu, with a goal of preparing at least one of the new British dishes each week.
“We’re proud of our country’s British heritage,” says Mark Daniels, manager of Dining Services. “If Andrews is to truly become part of the British realm, that shouldn’t just come in the form of medieval architecture and driving on the left side of the road. It should also be a part of our everyday sustenance.”
Though the British are not well-known for their cuisine, there are a few famous dishes to which the U.K. can lay claim. Most famously, of course, is the English staple, fish and chips.
“One of the most challenging parts of crafting this new menu is creating the vegetarian versions of all of these dishes,” says Daniels. “We also prefer to locally source as much of our fresh food as possible, which means we need to find local farms that produce the kinds of foods typically used in British cuisine.”
Other menu items being added include beans on toast, treacle tarts, bubble and squeak, pease porridge, Yorkshire pudding, custard and the vegetarian versions of haggis, bangers and mash and mincemeat pie.
Before any of these menu items hit the serving line, however, each recipe will be taste-tested by the University’s resident Brit, President Andrea Luxton.
“I think this will be something that makes Andrews really stand out not only among other American universities, but also within the community,” Daniels comments. “Our authentic ethnic cuisine is unrivaled in the region, and perhaps in the country. I look forward to providing edible cultural experiences for the campus and the community.”
In addition to adding menu options, Dining Services will also be transitioning all of their recipes over to the metric system, measuring everything in grams and litres.