Ben Regoso

   Stories of Andrews: Chaplains | Posted on May 24, 2017

I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. My younger sister and I were born of God-fearing and loving parents who emigrated from the Philippines to provide a better life for themselves and us. Much of my childhood is a blur amid large family gatherings, Pathfinder camporees and other church-related activities. I attended Crawford Adventist Academy for 13 years—kindergarten through 12th grade—and developed long-lasting friendships with some amazing people.

Some of the core values I remember my parents instilling in me were “don’t limit yourself,” “be resourceful” and “don’t just try; do.” I did not realize the true importance of these values until my freshman year at Andrews University. At the time, I did not feel a calling to Andrews. My parents really wanted their children to attend a Seventh-day Adventist school and Andrews was the closest to us. Logical choice, right? All of a sudden as a college student, I began to discover my limits, my resources were dwindling and “doing” became half-hearted “trying.” It was at that point I realized it was no longer about me but about letting God lead in my life.

Eventually I met my wife while at Andrews and graduated with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in computer information systems. After job-hunting for six months, I finally landed a job in South Bend, doing IT work for the State of Indiana. There, I enjoyed going beyond my limits, using my technical knowledge as a resource and being able to make a difference in people’s professional lives. After seven years on the job, a series of events occurred that led me to question whether this was where God really wanted me to be: I got married, the work travel was getting overwhelming, I was involved in a serious car accident while on the job and my base of operations was being relocated further away from home. I was once again at a point where I could not limit myself and had to be resourceful. On top of that, I had to do something about my situation. I prayed, “Lord, where are you leading me? Help me to follow your will.”

It was around this same time I was impressed to go online to see if there were any IT job postings at Andrews. I was not expecting to find anything. Yet there it was, much to my disbelief! I applied for the job and the rest, as they say, is history.

One of my favorite promises in the Bible is “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” I aim to apply this on a daily basis in the work I do and the people I come in contact with. Why? Because it is not always about the machines and technology I work with. It is also about the people whose lives I can make better by God’s grace.

Whatever your purpose is in life, make sure you stay connected: Connected to your family; connected to your good friends and especially connected to God. In the end, his love is limitless, his life is abundantly resourceful and he has done it all for us.
