Librarians Present at International Conference

A contingent of librarians from Andrews University recently attended the 37th annual conference of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians, held June 25-29 at Newbold College, Bracknell, UK. The conference proceedings were led by ASDAL President Terry Robertson (Seminary Librarian) and included the following presentations by James White Library faculty:
"Adulting in the Library: Experiences of Millennials as Library Staff" by Jason St. Clair (Head of Patron Services)
"Adventist Digital Library" by Merlin Burt (Director, Center for Adventist Research)
"Aligning Academic Library Space with Millennials’ Learning Styles" by Silas M. Oliveira (Referece, Database, and Off-Campus Services Librarian)
"The Wurker-Gibson Bible Collection: an Adventist Connection to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation" by Lawrence Onsager (Dean of Libraries) and Terry Robertson
"Is SDA History Relevant to Millennials?" Minnie Day Sype, Licensed Minister 1902-1956 by Lauren Matacio (Instruction Librarian) and Lawrence Onsager
Jason St. Clair