Retirement Celebration for Lawrence W. Onsager
Wed, May 29, 2019 @ 04:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Please join us at JWL for a farewell reception in honor of Lawrence W. Onsager, dean of Libraries and associate professor of Library Science. Larry is retiring after 18 years of service to the University. As the dean of Libraries, Larry will be remembered for the library's building upgrades, the establishment of information commons, the implementation of demand-driven ebook system, strategic conversion of print journals and printed indexes to online databases, and subscription to ejournal packages. The Digital Commons, an institutional repository for Andrews University, was started during his time as dean.
In addition to his years of service at Andrews, Larry also held positions at Loma Linda University as medical reference librarian, extramural services librarian, and as chair, Department of Periodicals. He served later as the acting associate library director at La Sierra University. Altogether, he has served the Church for 32 years.
This will be a come-and-go reception.
Margaret Adeogun