Answering God's Call

| Posted on January 27, 2020

Andrews University’s Student Missions Emphasis Week takes place January 27–31 and occurs in tandem with this year’s Spring Week of Prayer, “Feet to Faith.”

Week of Prayer will highlight the calling for missions. Morning programs will take place at 11:30 a.m. in the Pioneer Memorial Church Sanctuary and feature student speakers from various departments on campus who have served in missions locally and abroad. Evening programs will also focus on student missions and feature an international Missions Expo with food and games from different countries around the world, testimonies, Q&A with returned missionaries, and breakout sessions on various mission- and service-related topics.

The week is designated as a time to celebrate and learn from students who have returned from the mission field, prepare others who have decided to serve, and encourage students to engage in Student Missions.

“There are so many different opportunities during the college years to add experiences that will benefit us in our professional and personal journeys. Serving as a student missionary is one that affects both,” says José Bourget, University chaplain. “Becoming a student missionary is first a response to an invitation from God. In fact, God sent the first missionary when He sent His Son to a world that needed a gift only Jesus could give.”

Student Missions Emphasis Week includes the fourth annual Shop Berrien Week. This event gives Andrews students, faculty, staff and local community members the opportunity to raise money for those who would like to serve as student missionaries. In order to make this event possible, Andrews has collaborated with several local businesses (see list below) who have agreed to set aside a designated percentage of each purchase to support student missions. Proceeds from this week help support an average of 25 missionaries per year.

“Shop Berrien works because our local business leaders recognize the value that Andrews University students bring to the community,” says Bourget. “I’m inspired by the business leaders’ initiative to extend their economic engagement from 49103 to the world.”

Shop Berrien Week Stores & Dates
January 27: Baguette de France—10%
January 28: Mabuhay Oriental Store—10%
January 29: Village Do It Best Hardware—10%
January 30: Uptown Pizza Company—10%
January 31: Apple Valley—5%

To learn more about Student Missions Emphasis Week, follow “Andrews University Student Missions” and “Andrews University Campus Ministries” on Facebook.

To support Student Missions, please visit the Andrews University Giving webpage and choose Student Missions.

The Seminary Week of Spiritual Emphasis with Bledi Lono takes place March 10–12 from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. daily in the Seminary Chapel.
