Portfolio Presentation: Steven Reece
| Posted on May 22, 2020

It is my great honor and pleasure to announce that Steven Reece (Cohort 2011) presented his portfolio and thus completed his journey in the Leadership Program. Steven is the Founder of the Matzevah Foundation, which restores Jewish graves and graveyards in Poland devastated by the Nazis. Steven founded this organization just prior to being encouraged the Leadership Program by Dr. Thom Wolf (2010 Gradaute of the Leadership Program) who mentored Steven in his thinking about the ethical foundation of the Old Testament in Michael 6:8. Steven is Baptist minister with a background in photojournalism. He created a stunning portfolio documenting his journey through photo, video, rich artifacts, and deep reflection. He already defended his dissertation in the summer of 2019. It focused on the liminal space in-between when Jews and Christians work together. So Steven is done. We are proud to announce our newest graduate: Dr. Steven Reece. The portfolio panel consisted of Erich Baumgartner, advisor, Randy Siebold, and Jay Brand. The work of completing the portfolio was greatly helped by Steven’s Learning Group Coach, Dr. Dennis Lundgren, who has been coaching the LLG Success for the past year. Congratulations Dr. Steven Reece!
Department of Leadership
Department of Leadership