Celebrating Filipino American History Month

Image credit: Miti | Unsplash
In 1992, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) first introduced October as Filipino American History Month with a resolution from the FANHS National Board of Trustees. The celebration commemorates the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States, which occurred on Oct. 18, 1587, when “Luzones Indios” came ashore from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Esperanza and landed at what is now Morro Bay, California. The U.S. Congress recognized October as Filipino American History Month in 2009.
This year, the FANHS has chosen the theme “Filipino Americans: Making History for 425 Years” for this October’s Filipino American History Month commemorations across the nation. Our Andrews Filipino International Association (AFIA) has chosen “Lumipad” which translates “to fly” as our campus theme for the month. We are grateful for their leadership in putting together celebratory events for this month.
Here is a list of celebratory events for the month:
Friday, Oct. 9: AFIA & Makarios Proximity Vespers, PMC
Tuesday Co-curricular Programs: Learn about important Filipino-American figures and how they took flight and paved their own path in history.
- Oct. 6: The History of Filipino American History Month
- Oct. 13: Fel Del Mundo: National Scientist of the Philippines
- Oct. 20: Jose Calugas and Larry Itilong: Two Different Heroes, Two Different Times
All co-curricular programs are at 11:30 a.m. Zoom information (for all programs)—Meeting ID: 970 2927 2896
I look forward to celebrating with all of you as we take the opportunity as a campus to affirm and appreciate the contributions of the Filipino community to our campus, church, this country, and the world.
Michael Nixon