Undergraduate Research & Honors Scholars Symposium
A virtual poster session featuring Andrews' Undergraduate Research Scholars

Andrews University has placed a strong emphasis on serious scholarship, quality research, and practical Christianity since its establishment as a university in 1960. In keeping with this focus, undergraduate research students (URS) and J.N. Andrews Honors Scholars each year disseminate their scholarly research findings in an annual poster session.
On Friday, March 26, 2021, more than 40 students participated in a virtual poster symposium. Click here to review our students' posters and watch their video presentations.
Students from the disciplines of archaeology, biology, chemistry & biochemistry, computing, communication sciences & disorders, engineering, English, mathematics, music, nursing, physics, population health, nutrition & wellness, and the social & behavioral sciences shared their research methodology and findings and answered questions. Undergraduate research scholars receive tuition scholarships from the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship (ORCS) to support their research activities each semester. The ORCS seeks to expand the number of students engaged in research by providing support for student presentations at regional and national disciplinary conferences as well as Undergraduate Research Scholarships. Learn more about our Undergraduate Research Scholar Award.
Carlisle Sutton