Corrections to the 2022-2023 Information Directory

   Campus Announcements | Posted on November 10, 2022

Please make note of these corrections in your copy of the new 2022–2023 Information Directory.

Alphabetical Department List

Development—3124              2818                0660                development
Location: Griggs Hall B 213, 8903 U.S. 31

     Hebe (Abby) Soares, Interim Director, 3631, hebe
     Eriston Eloi, Coordinator of Annual Campaigns, 3359, eriston
     Ellaina Hart, Gift Records Associate, 3124, ellaina
     Dennis Hollingsead, Prospect Research Officer, 3629, hollings

Graduate Enrollment (page 29)
Email for Sebastien Henri-Saturne should be

University Center for Readiing, Learning & Assessment (page 45)
The zip+ should be 0110

Employees Listed Alphabetically

Page 51
3122 Bedney, Donald.....................University Advancement 0650.........AD313 dbedney 773-206-3662

Page 53
Faehner, David......................Vice President Emeritus  dfaehner 208-6500

Page 65
Xu, Xiaoming........................Assistant Professor Emerita

Please email with any further corrections. Thank you.
