Where Our Online Students Study Best
Snap & share a photo in your most productive study space
School of Distance Education
| Posted on January 27, 2022

So where do our online students study? At a desk, on the beach, in a waiting room, while commuting? Get to know your classmates in this fun selfie safari.
Any student taking an Andrews online class in spring 2022 can join in the fun. Here's how:
- Take a photo of yourself in your favorite study space. Take it widescreen (turn your phone sideways), with good lighting on you.
- Attach your photo to an email to sdestudents@andrews.edu.
- Include one or two sentences describing what you value most about your Andrews online study experience so far.
- State that you give Andrews University permission to share this photo through social media and other University communications.
- Sign your email with your full name, your program of study, your current location and cell phone number.
Photos shared before Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2022, will be included in a drawing for an Andrews University sweatshirt. We will text you with the link to share when we publish your image through our social media this spring.
I can't wait to see all the ways education is happening—I'm smiling in anticipation, so don't wait, just snap and send today!
Related Website(s): https://www.andrews.edu/distance/
Glynis M Bradfield
Glynis M Bradfield