Eau Claire Church Services, February 26

   Local Churches | Posted on February 24, 2022

Eau Claire SDA Church service starts at 9:30 a.m. followed by Sabbath School at 11 a.m. The speaker this Sabbath is James Mello. His sermon is titled "Crooked Sticks." He notes, "God uses crooked sticks to make straight lines. That means he chooses to use you and me in the midst of our imperfections—to His glory!"

Eau Claire is a family-friendly church with dynamic children's Sabbath School classes and a top notch Pathfinder program. We also reach out to our community with Feeding America every month. Come find a loving church home.

Location: Eau Claire SDA Church, 6562 Naomi Road, Eau Claire, MI

   Thomas R. Shepherd