"In Passing" Podcast Continues to Grow
CFE Is Sponsoring This Student-led Initiative
Podcast: In Passing
| Posted on April 21, 2022

Student hosts Kendra Miranda, Isaac Peterson and Raabe Garcia have started a new podcast that features "deep and honest tea-length conversations with a new guest each week." Guests are "the student who you share that lab with or the co-worker whose desk you always pass by or that random person you always ride the bus/train with everyday."
The current episodes are:
- Episode 1: Our First Pod
- Episode 2: Chris Mindanao "Kendra and Raabe interview Chris Mindanao about seasons of discovering our identities. Who am I? And who even is Chris though?"
- Episode 3: Timmy Duado "Timmy shares his method! I.C.E. (check it out) Hosted by Kendra and Isaac. Belonging starts with ... "
- Episode 4: Brandon Williams "Finding purpose can be difficult. Not just in future job hunting or finding reasons to pick a degree, but sometimes in just our day-to-day. In this episode Brandon Williams deconstructs some of the social stigma behind finding our purpose. Join Kendra and Isaac as they become more inspired in finding their purpose and success. Find out how you also can obtain success as a byproduct of the 'thing' that you dedicate yourself to. What's your 'thing'?"
- Episode 5: Ashok Willmott "In this episode, hosts Isaac and Kendra explore wandering in the wilderness with guest Ashok Willmott. Ashok touches on his personal time in his metaphorical wilderness; wandering through questions of who to be, what to pursue, and how to find the motivation to press on through the uncertainty that life brings. Ashok is a fashionable, runner, Seminary student here at Andrews University and has lived a significant amount of 'life' for a young lad. He shares some incredible wisdom in regard to the natural human experience. Life isn't always mountain tops and great views. What do we do in the valleys? Are mountain top experiences the REAL ultimate goal?"
- Episode 6: Gianna Bacchiocchi "Inside of this episode Kendra and Isaac feature Gianna Bacchiocchi. She is a sophomore University student studying biology and pre-PA (studies) here at Andrews University. We all discuss the power of confidence and where we should lean on to find it in its truest form. Gianna speaks on the struggles in keeping a confident composure and the natural human responses to the setbacks we face when criticized. This episode is honest and elaborative and shines a good light on the natural progression of growing up in a social media heavy society. It is a longer one than usual but an important one ... strap in and relate."
- Episode 7: Gabi Francisco "In this episode Kendra and Raabe are joined by Gabi Francisco as she leads us through the stories of her journey at Andrews University from growing up in Berrien Springs, accepting the call to be a student missionary, and having to make some major pivots in the form of major life decisions. She shares what it is like to be on the other side of transition, handling expectations and, more than anything, what it means to let your heart be set on fire for the things that make you ... well, you!"
- Episode 8: Evin Nazya Musgrove "Unfortunately it's true, even good things don't last forever. In this episode three girls dive in and table talk quickly turns deep as Evin takes us into her own journey with letting go and moving forward. Find yourself in the story as Evin shares the hard-hitting truth that sometimes it takes a 'no' to find a better 'yes.' Sometimes that looks like letting go of a job, opportunities, goals or even relationships. This might seem like girl talk but we promise it’s guy friendly, too."
Episodes are available via Buzzsprout, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
And check out the Andrews University podcast page.
Jeff Boyd
Jeff Boyd