Scheduled Campus Tours for GC Guests

   Campus Announcements | Posted on June 1, 2022

Para los visitantes que se dirijan al Congreso de la Asociación General en St. Louis, u otros invitados del campus, se ofrecerán recorridos en español y portugués en los siguientes horarios:

Sábado, 4 de junio, a las 15 h.
Domingo 5 de junio, a las 11 h.

No es necesario registrarse para estos recorridos por el campus.


Para os visitantes se dirigindo à Sessão da Associação Geral em St. Louis, ou outros convidados do campus, haverá passeios oferecidos em espanhol e português nos seguintes horários:

Sábado, 4 de junho, às 15h.
Domingo, 5 de junho, às 11h.

Nenhuma inscrição é necessária para esses passeios no campus.


With General Conference Session approaching next week in St. Louis, Missouri, there are a series of campus tours that have been scheduled for campus guests who may be going to (or coming from) the General Conference Session.

There is no need to schedule participation in the tour. Please note these are the only times that formal guided campus tours will be available over the next two weeks.

Kelsey Curnutt, assistant manager of the Howard Performing Arts Center (and longtime Andrews tour guide!), will host the tours. Each tour will take between one and one-and-a-half hours, and participants should be able to walk and comfortably stand for those lengths of time. Guests should plan to meet outside of the Howard Center approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the tour:

Friday, June 3: 2 p.m.
Sabbath, June 4: 3 p.m. (tour also in Spanish and Portuguese)
Sunday, June 5: 11 a.m. (11 a.m. tour also in Spanish and Portuguese) and 2 p.m.
Friday, June 10: 2 p.m.
Sunday, June 12: 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Please share this information with any guests and friends who are interested in visiting campus over the next two weeks and who'd like the opportunity for a tour. If you've not seen it yet, there is also a new video screen at the globe entrance to Andrews University, on J.N. Andrews Boulevard, that features a campus map for guests needing an orientation to campus outside of these scheduled tour times.


Stephen Payne
Special Assistant to the President
University & Public Affairs
