High School Students Invited to STEM Experience
Design, problem-solve, connect with others and be challenged
Thu, September 15, 2022 @ 08:30 am - 08:30 am

High school students are invited to join us for this on-campus interactive STEM experience. Design, problem-solve, connect with others and be challenged by participating in lab activities with teammates. Participants will have the opportunity to visit campus, meet professors, experience the spiritual atmosphere and enjoy some fun with other students interested in pursuing a STEM degree. SciFEST is open to all high school students and their parents. Individuals and homeschooled students are welcome to attend and will be placed on a team. Registration is required. This year's theme is cells.
Team members are encouraged to connect with each other and work together prior to submitting their solutions/projects. Prizes will be given to the teams that earn the most points and scholarships to all those who participate. SciFEST culminates with a vespers and Quiz Bowl game show, where all the participants will test their STEM knowledge in Newbold Auditorium (BUL 153) at 7:30 p.m. This final event is open to the public.
Registration deadline is Aug. 31, 2022. Register at andrews.edu/scifest.
Related Website(s): https://www.andrews.edu/cas/stem/scifest/
Monica Nudd