Environmental Fridays, Sept. 30

   Campus Announcements | Posted on September 29, 2022

Welcome to Season III, Episode 3 of Environmental Fridays ... it is personal.

Join us this Friday, Sept. 30, 2022, for Environmental Fridays, Episode 2, at 9:30 a.m. EST to listen and learn about an amazing conservation effort in Trinidad—Reducing Exposure to Waterborne Pathogens—with Virginia Tech Professor Emeritus of Microbiology Joseph Falkinham III, PhD.

Our co-host for Episode 3 is BATCE Sixth Form Biology and Environmental Science teacher Padmanie Ramoutar from Trinidad and Tobago.

The Zoom Meeting link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85270285938?pwd=REpoc3VjVkdRN1dJRkkvbDd2eHJvZz09.

  • Meeting ID: 852 7028 5938
  • Passcode: 948025

Share with others. Everyone is welcome. Environmental Fridays is free to all. Students, professionals, community.

Contact Desmond Hartwell Murray, associate professor of chemistry, at murrayd@andrews.edu if you have any questions. 


Guest Speaker Bio
Joseph Falkinham III received his AB (bacteriology) and PhD (microbiology) from the University of California, Berkeley. Falkinham served in the U.S. Air Force from 1969 through 1972, directing hospital clinical laboratories. Following a postdoctoral fellowship in the laboratory of Dr. Roy Curtiss at the University of Alabama Medical Center, Falkinham joined the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech in 1974.

His most recent research is focused on mycobacteria, legionella and amoeba in household plumbing; biofilm formation by mycobacteria; isolation and identification of new anti-mycobacterial antibiotics; and mechanism of action of antibiotic dendritic amphiphiles.

He authored and co-authored three books, 31 book chapters, and 25 invited review articles for scientific journals, and published 136 peer-reviewed papers in journals. He has presented multiple invited papers and lectures on mycobacteria at national and international meetings and is considered an international authority.

He has mentored 19 master’s degree and seven PhD students and served on multiple graduate advisory committees in the Department of Biological Sciences and other departments. He has served on three different professional editorial boards and was editor for the International Journal of Microbiology. In 2015 he became a Fellow in the Royal Society of Public Health, London, and received the Gardner Middlebrook Award in 2003 for Mycobacteriology by the American Society of Microbiology. 

Co-Host Bio
Padmanie Ramoutar is an educator at Bishop Anstey and Trinity College East (BATCE) Sixth Form in Trinidad and Tobago. Ramoutar teaches all levels of CAPE Biology and Environmental Science and has been an educator for the past six (6) years. 

She pursued and completed a BSc chemistry major and biology major at the undergraduate level at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, and is currently pursuing an MPhil in chemistry at the same university. 

Ramoutar is very passionate about educating and developing young minds. She implements a unique and resourceful environment that fosters both learning and success within her classroom. She encourages students to appreciate all forms of life and has become passionate about environmental conservation and reducing the severity of man’s activities on the environment.
