October 2022 Update: Andrews Presidential Search

   Campus Announcements | Posted on October 17, 2022

October 17, 2022

October 2022 Update on the Andrews University Presidential Search Process

Dear Andrews University community,

I want to keep you informed of the activities of the Andrews University Presidential Search Committee (AUPSC) as it supports the Board of Trustees in the selection of the next Andrews president.

The first meeting of our AUPSC occurred on Sept. 7, 2022.

Activities at that September meeting included the following:

  1. A review of the Committee’s roles and responsibilities
  2. A draft of desired presidential attributes and qualifications
  3. Development of a process to listen to stakeholder groups and solicit nominations
  4. Initial consideration for candidate interview topics and processes

The second meeting of the Committee was held last week, on Oct. 13, 2022.

During that meeting, the Committee used extensive and valuable stakeholder input as tools to help the Committee refine and approve a final list of presidential candidate leadership attributes and qualifications. The Committee was excited to accept 148 nominations altogether (collectively known as the “long list”) from across all stakeholder groups. The “long list” includes a wide range of individuals representing diverse talent based on those individuals’ leadership experience, gender, race and age.

The Committee also began the very important and challenging work of sorting and prioritizing that “long list,” based on the desired leadership attributes and qualifications for the next Andrews University president.

As a result of that process, the Committee developed a first draft of a “medium list” of potential candidates. That “medium list” draft now includes twelve (12) names that seem to have attributes and qualifications that would make them strong candidates. That “medium list” also includes 51 names that may qualify as strong candidates after additional consideration.

Of the 148 nominations the Committee received, an additional 80 names were eliminated because they did not meet the desired attributes and qualifications. Additionally, five (5) members who also serve on the AUPSC withdrew their own names from consideration.

The AUPSC will meet again in late November to review the “medium list” of potential candidates and work to approve a “short list.”

A “final” candidate list will be approved in mid-December in anticipation of candidate interviews in January 2023. A February meeting of the Committee will then be used to prepare for the AUPSC’s recommendations to the Andrews University Board of Trustees meeting on March 7.

I wanted to thank you, and the Andrews University family, for your continued interest, insights and prayers as we continue our work to select and recruit the next president for Andrews University.

Artur A. Stele, chair
Andrews University Presidential Search Committee
Andrews University Board of Trustees
