Environmental Fridays, Oct. 28

   Campus Announcements | Posted on October 27, 2022

Welcome to Season III, Episode 7, of Environmental Fridays ... it is personal.

Join us this upcoming Friday, Oct. 28, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. EST to listen and learn about "Managing Forest Wildfires" by Research Fire Ecologist Morris C. Johnson, PhD, of the United States Forest Service.

Our co-host for Episode 7 is Juanita Shrin Jeyakumar, a junior student at The Mississippi School for Math and Science.

The Zoom Meeting link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85270285938?pwd=REpoc3VjVkdRN1dJRkkvbDd2eHJvZz09.

  • Meeting ID: 852 7028 5938
  • Passcode: 948025

Everyone is welcome. Environmental Fridays is free to all—students, professionals, community.

Contact Desmond Hartwell Murray, associate professor of chemistry, at murrayd@andrews.edu if you have any questions.

Guest Speaker Bio:
Morris C. Johnson is a research fire ecologist at the U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory located in Seattle, Washington. He grew up in a small northeastern Louisiana town called Waterproof, Louisiana. He was a member of both the Redmond (Redmond, Oregon) and Redding (Redding, California) interagency hotshot crews. He earned a BS in urban forestry from Southern University (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) and both an MS in silvicultural and forest protection and PhD in ecosystem analysis (fire ccology) from the University of Washington (Seattle, Washington).

Guest Speaker Bio:
Juanita Shrin Jeyakumar is from Laurel, Mississippi, and attends The Mississippi School for Math and Science where she is a junior. Her favorite subject is biology, and she plans to major in biology in college. She has aspirations of one day working in the healthcare field. At MSMS, she is involved in The Way, a faith-based club, the Humanities Club, the Plant Club, Asian Student Association, and choir, and she plays soccer.
