Environmental Fridays, Jan. 27

   Campus Announcements | Posted on January 26, 2023

Welcome to Season IV, Episode 3, of "Environmental Fridays ... it is personal."

Join us this upcoming Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, for Environmental Fridays, Episode 3, at 9:30 a.m. EST (10:30 a.m. Caribbean) to listen and learn about "Water Resources Management in the Caribbean" by Land Use Officer Trevor E. Thompson from the Ministry of Agriculture, Grenada.

The Zoom Meeting link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84075113359?pwd=TGMvYUxycHExRFMvdnlWL1o4TEV1QT09.

  • Meeting ID: 840 7511 3359
  • Passcode: 172320

Share with others. Everyone is welcome. Environmental Fridays is free to all—students, professionals, community.

Contact Desmond Hartwell Murray, associate professor of chemistry, at murrayd@andrews.edu if you have any questions.

Guest Speaker Bio:
Trevor E. Thompson is currently serving as Land Use Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, in the government of Grenada. He is completing an MSc degree in leadership and management and has a BS in theological studies, along with multiple certifications in agriculture, environment, climate change, water resource management, and irrigation systems.

He is the chair of the World Bank Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project PPCR Project, Technical Working Group. He has a wealth of experience in agriculture, particularly in the areas of land, water and irrigation and has contributed significantly to the Ministry of Agriculture, and with the Irrigation Management Unit. For example, he contributed to the Review of the National Water Policy and Integrated Water Resources Management Plan for Grenada in 2019–2020.

His past experiences and areas of service include as Acting Chief Agriculture Officer, Acting Chief Land Use Officer, a member of Grenada National Climate Change Committee (NCCC), chair of the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the NCCC, chair of the GEF-SGP National Steering Committee, director of the Grenada Sustainable Development Trust Fund, a Steering Committee member of the Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change, and chair of the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C). He has also represented Grenada as a Climate Change Negotiator at the COP meetings, in Cancun, Durban, Paris, Marrakesh and Bonn, Katowice, Glasgow.
