Update: Andrews University Presidential Search

   Campus Announcements | Posted on February 9, 2023

Feb. 9, 2023

Dear Andrews University community,

Thank you for your ongoing prayers as well as your continued and active interest in the work of our Andrews University Presidential Search Committee as we seek to help identify the next president of Andrews University.

As I previewed in my December update on the Search Committee’s activities, the Committee was able to successfully conduct off-site, in-person interviews in January.

We are now down to three finalists for the position. On Feb. 21, we will conduct a final review of the information we’ve gathered, the results of those in-person interviews, and the vision statements the Search Committee has requested the finalists to write. We will then recommend two names to be considered by the University’s Board of Trustees during its March 7, 2023, meeting.

At that upcoming Board meeting, the seventh president of Andrews University will be voted on and selected, which will offer some overlap and transitional time before President Luxton’s retirement at the end of June.

[Additional Note: The Andrews University Quinquennial Membership Meeting will also be held on March 7 and will select and confirm members of the Andrews University Board of Trustees. That newly constituted Board will meet for the first time on June 1, and at that time, it will also vote on and confirm the next University President, who will be first selected and voted on during the March 7 Board Meeting.]

As I’ve shared here, and in other notes, the Committee and I are most grateful to each one of you, and to our Andrews University family both on and off campus, for your continued interest, insights and prayers. All of that is especially needed as we move into the final phases of this important work to successfully recruit the next president of Andrews University.

Artur A. Stele, chair
Andrews University Presidential Search Committee
Andrews University Board of Trustees
