Environmental Fridays, Feb. 24

   Campus Announcements | Posted on February 23, 2023

Welcome to Season IV, Episode 7, of "Environmental Fridays ... it is personal."

Join us this upcoming Friday, Feb. 24, 2023, for Environmental Fridays, Episode 7, at 9:30 a.m. EST (10:30 a.m. Eastern Caribbean) to listen and learn about "Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry" by Nikolay Anguelov.

Our special guest is Janelle "Penny" Commissiong, Miss Universe 1977, the first Black woman to win that award.

The Zoom Meeting link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84075113359?pwd=TGMvYUxycHExRFMvdnlWL1o4TEV1QT09.

  • Meeting ID: 840 7511 3359
  • Passcode: 172320

Share with others. Everyone is welcome. Environmental Fridays is free to all—students, professionals, community.

Contact Desmond Hartwell Murray, associate professor of chemistry, at murrayd@andrews.edu if you have any questions. 

Speaker Bio
Nikolay (Nick) Anguelov is associate professor in the Department of Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. He earned his PhD in policy studies, concentration regional economic development, as well as an MPA and an MS in applied economics and statistics from Clemson University. Anguelov completed his undergraduate studies at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, where he earned a double BS in international trade and advertising communications and marketing. Anguelov is an interdisciplinary scholar whose research focuses on the adjacencies of economics, politics and diplomacy. His academic publications span a variety of global public policy issues such as renewable energy proliferation, corporate taxes, economic sanctions and incentives, soft power, marijuana decriminalization, the global governance of multinational corporations, and international fashion economics. He is the author of six academic books, which include "The Dirty Side of the Garment Industry: Fast Fashion and Its Negative Impact on Environment and Society" (Taylor & Francis, 2015) and "The Sustainable Fashion Quest: Innovations in Business and Policy" (Routledge, 2022).
