First in Diversity: Celebrating our Andrews Story

   Campus Announcements | Posted on February 28, 2023

To access the entire series of letters from President Andrea Luxton, click here.

Feb. 28, 2023

Dear campus community and friends of the University,

Over the next several days, I will be speaking to you personally, directly from my heart, on a number of important issues relevant to the Andrews University community. Why now? It seems that at a time of change for the University, rumors and questions about the University increase. My intent then is to share with you as a way of clearly Celebrating Our Andrews University Story.

I have developed this series of messages prayerfully, keeping in mind our Sharing the Heart of God values that inspire the work of our dedicated University family of employees.

In this second message, I want to talk about what it means to be #1 in Diversity among National Universities in the United States and how we might celebrate and best understand that recognition. And this piece is talking solely about diversity of culture and race which is what this #1 standing celebrates.

As we can likely all agree, God’s creative plan was unquestionably to create diversity in all its amazing forms. Revelation talks about how all tongues and nations will be there at the throne of God. In fact the Bible consistently celebrates the diversity of peoples, including the unique God-given talents of each individual. And the Bible too is very much about “inclusion,” a word that speaks to the place of everyone around God’s table.

And yet, I know that our status of #1 in Diversity brings fear and discomfort to some. How can something that is good in God’s plan become such a challenge for those that look on? I would suggest, to start with, that Critical Race Theory debates get in the way. Fear of “wokeness” gets in the way, even if that wokeness cannot really be defined. Fear that I won’t be accepted because “there are too many of ____ culture” gets in the way. And so we find excuses that allow us to push away what is good and enriching to seek to find a comfortable space, but I have to say it: a space that is less rich, less representative of God’s kingdom, and that consciously or unconsciously diminishes the awesomeness of God’s creation.

However, if we look past the assumptions attached to the meaning of theoretical models and the battleground of words, what does it mean to Andrews University to be #1 in Diversity? I would suggest it means we have a unique opportunity to be something very special at Andrews University. It means that we are opposed to denigrating or devaluing any individual. It means we choose to celebrate the richness of the full community God has brought to this place. It means we seek to listen, learn and understand the challenging journeys of each other, apologize where we have caused hurt personally and corporately, and look for pathways that bring increased strength to this University and to our church and the world.

Surveys of our students show that across all cultural and racial divides (including the majority culture of the United States) our students see this opportunity as consistently one of the most amazing experiences of their University experience. For example, “Andrews University is exclusively known for diversity and inclusion. You get to build incredible relationships with people from different backgrounds and learn so much about other cultures ... my first year was pretty tough considering I was living in a community far from home. However, the relationships I built and the emotional/academic support I got from it was beyond a blessing.”

But I don’t want to be naïve. Of course diversity in our human world can bring tension. Of course there are arguments about how best we live in a diverse community. Of course there are risks. But I want to let you know that the rewards are so many. So today I ask that we don’t let the narratives on Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter and wokeness, snapshots and critiques of an individual or something that may have been said, drive your attention away from the reality of this community. That is the reality of a University that seeks to be honest with itself, bring value and dignity to all peoples, even within the messiness of this world, and chooses daily to take the more difficult path of the gospel that includes wrestling for the meaning of the values of justice and compassion within a very divisive world.

We are better because of our diverse student population. Our graduates are better prepared to work within an increasingly diverse country and world. And all of us together are learning to be better Christians, better reflections of God’s kingdom by being part of the #1 diverse university in the United States.

“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9).

And tomorrow: Truly Adventist: Celebrating Our Andrews University Story.

Andrea Luxton

   Andrea Luxton