New: State Tuition Grants for Michigan Residents

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 2, 2023

Every undergraduate student admitted to Andrews University receives a scholarship from Andrews. And now, Michigan residents may qualify for an even better deal!

Check out these new state grants for Michigan residents:

  • Michigan Achievement Scholarship: Up to $4,000 per year
  • MI Future Educator Fellowship: Up to $10,000 for 2,500 future educators per year
  • MI Future Educator Stipend: Up to $9,600 for Michigan student teachers

For details, visit

The state grants can also be combined with Andrews scholarships:

  • Andrews Partnership Scholarship: $8,000–$14,000 (renewable annually)
  • NEW Leadership Scholarship: $750 (freshmen only)

To learn more or speak with a financial advisor, visit
