Environmental Fridays, March 3

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 2, 2023

Welcome to Season IV, Episode 8, of "Environmental Fridays ... it is personal."

Join us this upcoming Friday, March 3, 2023, for Environmental Fridays, Episode 8, at 9:30 a.m. EST (10:30 a.m. Eastern Caribbean) to listen and learn about "Matura Beach Turtle and Environment Station" by Suzan Lakhan-Baptiste.

Our co-host is Rehana Mustapha, head of Science Department, St. George's College, Trinidad.

The Zoom Meeting link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84075113359?pwd=TGMvYUxycHExRFMvdnlWL1o4TEV1QT09.

  • Meeting ID: 840 7511 3359
  • Passcode: 172320

Share with others. Everyone is welcome. Environmental Fridays is free to all—students, professionals, community.

Contact Desmond Hartwell Murray, associate professor of chemistry, at murrayd@andrews.edu if you have any questions.

Speaker Bio
Suzan Lakhan-Baptiste is a founding member and the managing director of Nature Seekers, a charitable non-profit organization in Trinidad’s northeast coast. Founded in 1990, its mission focuses on turtle conservation, specifically protecting nesting turtles on the 8 km long Matura beach, which is a critical nesting spot for the endangered Leatherback turtle. Nature Seekers currently manages four environmental preservation programs and employs over sixty local persons. 

Often battling against gender stereotypes and discrimination, Suzan has served her community and country in roles as diverse as alderman, radio producer, social welfare clerk, adult literacy tutor, ecotourism lecturer (locally and regionally), Honorary Game Warden, and craft tutor (local and regional). Suzan has pioneered programs to work with women to develop environmentally sustainable businesses in tourism, establish restaurants, and make local resource-based natural crafts. She has become Trinidad and Tobago’s foremost conservation champion and has set the trend that women can make a difference in any field they wish to.

For her work in protecting Trinidad’s environment and championing the rights of women, the United Nations Environment Program inducted Lakhan-Baptiste into its Global 500 Roll of Honour for Environmental Achievement in 1993. She is a well-known conservationist who has spoken at conservation events and conferences in Nairobi, Kenya (Blue Economic Conference), Argentina (Adventure Travel World Summit), Washington, D.C. (Alliance for Global Conservation), Ecuador (International Environmental Summit) and Colombia (UNEP Cartagena Convention) and was nominated as a CNN Hero in 2009 for her tireless efforts on behalf of the species.
