The Research Imperative: Celebrating Our Story

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 3, 2023

To access the entire series of letters from President Andrea Luxton, click here.

March 3, 2023

Dear campus community and friends of the University,

Over the last several days, I have been speaking to you personally, directly from my heart, on a number of important issues relevant to the Andrews University community. Why now? It seems that at a time of change for the University, rumors and questions about the University increase. My intent then is to share with you as a way of clearly Celebrating Our Andrews University Story.

I have developed this series of messages prayerfully, keeping in mind our Sharing the Heart of God values that inspire the work of our dedicated University family of employees.

For the first of today’s messages (the second, to be sent this afternoon, talks about Graduates with Purpose), I want to talk about another unique part of our Andrews University Story and one that we are also passionate about. We are the only Adventist university in North America designated as a Doctoral University: Moderate Research Activity, or in any research classification.

You might ask, why is it even important for us as an Adventist university to value research as part of our identity? Ellen White helps us in “Ministry of Healing” with, “It is right for the youth to feel that they must reach the highest development of their mental powers. We would not restrict the education to which God has set no limit. But our attainments avail nothing if not put to use for the honor of God and the good of humanity.” And here we have it: the highest development of the mind, and research is definitely essential in that, and then the use of our mind for the honor of God in this world. Research is where we ask the questions, where we seek for answers and imagine new opportunities and solutions.

Unquestionably, we do the research piece well with our students. At the annual conference of the American Sociological Association a project by one of our undergraduate students was mistaken for a dissertation and in a competitive group of five presenters still came in second. Another student won a prize for her undergraduate research proposal at the American Public Health Association annual meeting in the graduate student section. “I had incredible support and an opportunity to grow as a student researcher in my time at Andrews University that allowed me to get into the University of Michigan, the #1 program in my area of study,” says a former student.

But capacity building in research for our students through both strong undergraduate and graduate research programs, including our outstanding Honors program, is just one side of our research imperative. The other is the emphasis of our research. Yes, some relate to the important task of deepening knowledge in the areas of expertise of our faculty and students. But very importantly, much of our research confirms the value of Adventist education, our health message, the importance of families and the impact of faith in human thriving and healthy behaviors. And so we focus on research on substance abuse, families in crisis, deeper biblical understanding, mission, leadership in the church and other church organizations and so on. I would encourage you to check out Digital Commons, accessed through our library. There you will discover the breadth of the research we undertake and the spread of the impact of that research both in the United States and around the world, both in the Adventist community and beyond.

Yes, part of the Andrews University DNA is to build the research capacity of our students and colleagues and then use that capacity to share knowledge that helps build faith, deepen understanding and offer pathways to solutions in our damaged world.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind[set], that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).

And this afternoon: Graduates With Purpose: Celebrating Our Andrews University Story.

Andrea Luxton

   Andrea Luxton