Andrews Academy Play: Radium Girls
Sat, December 7, 2024 @ 07:30 pm - 07:30 pm
Sun, December 8, 2024 @ 04:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Mon, December 9, 2024 @ 06:30 pm - 06:30 pm

Step back to the 1920s—a time of glittering progress
darkened by hidden dangers.
This gripping true story follows young female factory workers who paint watch dials with a luminous, radium-infused paint, believing it to be safe, even magical. As they fall mysteriously ill, they discover the shocking truth: their beloved radium, hailed as a miracle cure-all, is slowly poisoning them.
Refusing to fade quietly, these courageous "Radium Girls" take on a powerful corporation, battling for justice and their lives. With each defiant step, they expose the cost of corporate greed and the importance of workers' rights.
Full of heart, tragedy and resilience, "Radium Girls" reminds us of the power of ordinary people to ignite change.
Prepare to be moved by this intense and illuminating drama that sheds light on one of history's most haunting injustices.
Approximate run time: 120 minutes, Interest level: ages 11+
Purchase tickets online, or stop by the Academy main office to purchase tickets via cash or check. Tickets may also be available at the door on the night of the show.
Andrews Academy