Where the Church Does Its Thinking

   Andrews in the News | Posted on January 23, 2025

His words were like an icy hand casually slapping my slack-jawed face. I had just finished addressing 300 teachers on the topics of excellence and Adventist mission. No sooner had I sat down than the next seminar presenter stood and began speaking, and the first words out of his mouth were something like this: “The local congregation has its place, its own sphere. It is often the scene of action, of mission lived out among the masses. But the university? The university is where the church does its thinking.”


Years later, as I’ve reflected on that speaker’s comments, I’ve realized it is possible he had no pejorative intent. He may instead have merely been making an off-the-cuff reference that would have raised zero eyebrows in his professional circles. Moreover, it is clear his assertion does have at least a smidge of merit. It is undeniable, for instance, that for centuries, religious entities have established schools of higher learning in hopes of endowing clergy with intellectual chops equal to the philosophical perils running rampant in local churches.

So today, is the phrase then still true? Is the university still where the church does its thinking?

<<< Read the full story by Shane Anderson, lead pastor of Pioneer Memorial Church, at the Adventist Review site >>>
