WSC Applications Available Online
For graduate women students
The 2025–2026 Women's Scholarship Committee scholarship applications for graduate women students are now available online. Completed applications and references are due by midnight on Sunday, April 13, 2025.
Steele Endowed Scholarship
The Archie A. and Kathryn Thomason Steele Endowed Scholarship is for women who fit the following criteria: successful cross-cultural mission experience (preferably at least four years), whether as homemaker or employee; academic excellence; acceptance into one of Andrews University's graduate programs; spiritual commitment; financial need and eligibility as established by the University's financial aid policy. Each applicant must provide two recommendations, one of which should be from a mission administrator well acquainted with the applicant's mission service, the other from a faculty member within the student's discipline or a pastor familiar with the student.
General WSC Scholarships
The general WSC Scholarship application is for women working on a graduate degree in any of the University schools. General applications will be considered for several different named scholarships (which have their own criteria—e.g., must be: a Seminary student, a School of Education student in educational or counseling psychology, or a student working on a music degree, etc.), as well as the more general WSC Advisory Scholarship and Honored Women Scholarship.
To give general applicants the best chance to receive an award, the committee will determine which scholarship best fits the applicant. Along with the application form, students will need to request letters of recommendation from two different individuals (either from two professors or a professor and pastor or work supervisor). The letters of recommendation should include the professor/supervisor's assessment of the worthiness of the applicant in terms of scholarship, work habits and the likelihood that the student will meet her goals.
Scholarship Funds
Scholarship funds awarded will be applied toward tuition for the 2025–26 school year. Successful applicants will be notified of their awards via email by June 2, 2025. Awardees will also be invited to the WSC’s fall brunch and will be honored at that event.
Questions may be sent to
Sheila Penrod