Campus Announcements

PhD Dissertation Defense for Osvaldo Santos

   College of Education and International Services | Posted on March 17, 2022
   Event Date: March 18, 2022 09:00 am
The PhD dissertation defense for Osvaldo Santos is scheduled on Friday, March 18, from 9–11 a.m. via Zoom. Osvaldo Santos will defend his dissertation in partial fulfillment for the PhD... read more

Chapel Menu 4

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 17, 2022
   Event Date: March 31, 2022 11:30 am

2022 Employee Awards Celebration Recipients

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 16, 2022
The theme for this year’s Employee Awards Celebration was “Where in the World is Andy the Cardinal? Andrews University Edition.” José Bourget, Master of Ceremonies, guided the interactive online event from the VACD Studio in Smith Hall on... read more

Gym Class Heroes Challenge

   Daily Wellness | Posted on March 15, 2022
Need a little extra motivation to work out? University Wellness will hold its first ever Gym Class Heroes Challenge from April 4–15, 2022. To win, attend the most fitness classes offered at the Andreasen Center for Wellness. This... read more

Celebrating Women and Women's Health

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 15, 2022
   Event Date: March 12, 2022 03:00 pm
Did you know that heart disease and cancer are leading causes of death for women age 15–34? Join us on March 12 at 3 p.m. EST for a virtual discussion on women’s health! The topic is "Celebrating Women:... read more

AA: Spring Break (March 21-25)

   Andrews Academy | Posted on March 15, 2022
   Event Date: March 25, 2022 06:45 pm  - more past dates

Andrews Academy spring break will be from March 21–25, 2022.

Undergraduate Students: Short Courses 4.3

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 15, 2022
   Event Date: March 29, 2022 11:30 am

Final written Honors thesis due (May graduates)

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 14, 2022
   Event Date: March 28, 2022 12:00 pm