Campus News

Andrews University Partners with GC on Leadership

   Campus News | Posted on March 24, 2022
The Global Leadership Institute was born through crisis to opportunity. In 2018, the Andrews University Leadership program was preparing for its 25th anniversary, and while the program received high praise from its participants, it was out of reach... read more

Senior Research Professor Status Grows in Use

   Campus News | Posted on March 14, 2022
Andrews University has recently instituted a senior research professor status for retired faculty. The position allows retired faculty members to remain professionally active with continued affiliation to the University while stepping down from full-time teaching. University policy states... read more

James Lee III Premieres Violin Concerto No.2

   Campus News | Posted on March 9, 2022
On Saturday, March 12, at 8 p.m., composer James Lee III returns to his alma mater to premiere Violin Concerto No.2 “Teshuah,” featuring Carla Trynchuk, violin, and the Andrews University Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Chris Wild.... read more

Engage: Live on Purpose Conference

   Campus News | Posted on March 7, 2022
The first Engage: Live on Purpose Conference will be held on the campus of Andrews University from Mar. 9–13. The conference is sponsored by the Andrews University Graduate Student Association (AUGSA), the iCanvass Club, the Center for Faith... read more

Andrews University Wind Symphony Vespers Concert

   Campus News | Posted on February 24, 2022
The annual Andrews University Wind Symphony Vespers Concert will take place on Friday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Howard Performing Arts Center. The performance is a part of the Andrews University Music Festival and will feature... read more

Art Professor Showcases Career in Area Exhibition

   Campus News | Posted on February 23, 2022
Greg Constantine, artist-in-residence and research professor of art, emeritus, at Andrews University is showcasing his art experience since 1974 in a retrospective exhibition titled “My Art Journey.” The exhibit runs from Jan. 23 to Mar. 13, 2022, at... read more

STEM Division to Host "Mission: Invent 2022"

   Campus News | Posted on February 22, 2022
In July of this year, Andrews University’s STEM division will host the conclusion of the first “Mission: Invent,” an initiative encouraging development of innovation and entrepreneurship in K–12 Seventh-day Adventist students in the United States and Canada. During... read more

Deans List Released for Fall 2021

   Agenda | Posted on February 10, 2022
Andrews University has announced the undergraduate deans list for fall semester 2021. The students listed have maintained a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher while having at least 12 credits, no incompletes and no grade below a B.... read more