Campus News

Daniel Weber to Teach Video & Photography

   Campus News | Posted on August 24, 2021
Daniel Weber, who has served as the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD) communication director since 2014, is joining the Andrews University communication program. He will teach photography, film and general communication classes. ... read more

Heather Thompson Day Rejoins Communication Program

   Campus News | Posted on August 11, 2021
Heather Thompson Day is returning to Andrews University as an associate professor in the Department of Visual Art, Communication & Design (VACD). Thompson Day, who recently published her seventh book, “It’s Not Your Turn,” will teach graduate and... read more

New Certificate in Global Leadership

   Campus News | Posted on July 22, 2021
The Andrews University Department of Leadership is offering a new certificate aimed at nurturing professionals, students, entrepreneurs and organizational leaders into world changers with a spiritual mission. The Global Leadership Certificate, which will be... read more

COVID-19 Religious Freedom Project for G-20 Summit

   Campus News | Posted on July 21, 2021
Nicholas P. Miller, Andrews University professor of church history and director of the International Religious Liberty Institute, recently presented a policy paper on the topic of “COVID-19 and Religious Liberty” at a Freedom of Religion or Belief working... read more

Andrews to Host Congress on Social Justice

   Campus News | Posted on July 8, 2021
From Thursday, Oct. 14, to Saturday, Oct. 16, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University will host the Congress on Social Justice, an event designed to highlight global issues of imbalance as well as the biblical solutions... read more

Bradley Family Funds Innovation Center at Andrews

   Campus News | Posted on July 1, 2021
The family of Dr. Fay Bradley, Pittsburg State law school graduate, physician and philanthropist, has given a $2.8 million legacy gift to develop a new Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. The donation will play... read more

Deans List Released for Spring 2021

   Campus News | Posted on July 1, 2021
Andrews University has announced the undergraduate deans list for spring semester 2021. The students listed have maintained a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher while having at least 12 credits, no incompletes and no grade below a B.... read more


   Campus News | Posted on June 30, 2021
Updated June 30, 2021. Originally posted on June 15, 2021. Andrews University ARP HEERF III Funding Update We are excited to announce that Andrews University will receive additional funding authorized... read more