Andrews Homepage: Disabled Features

Andrews Research Conference

   Research & Creative Scholarship | Posted on April 26, 2016
   Event Date: May 8, 2016 08:00 am  - more past dates
The Office of Research & Creative Scholarship at Andrews University is pleased to announce that the Third Annual Andrews Research Conference, "Early Career Researchers and Creative Scholars in the Arts and Humanities," will be held at Andrews University... read more

Study Tours 2016

   Campus Announcements | Posted on April 12, 2016
Every year departments across the disciplines at Andrews University organize study tours. These exciting trips last anywhere from a week to several, and cover a variety of topics. Course credit is required, as students complete classwork and projects... read more

Presidential Search

| Posted on March 8, 2016

University Convocation

| Posted on August 25, 2015
by Sam Fry Andrews University invites all new and returning students to join President Andreasen and faculty in celebrating the commencement of another academic year by attending University Convocation this Thursday, August 27, at... read more

2015 Faculty Institute

   Andrews Homepage: Disabled Features | Posted on August 13, 2015
Andrews University’s reach extends far beyond campus to homes, churches and classrooms all around the world. With that in mind, this year’s Faculty Institute: Globalization: Engaging in Global Thinking and Learning—focuses on globalizing the curriculum and helping faculty... read more

2015 Fall Fellowship

   Andrews Homepage: Disabled Features | Posted on August 13, 2015
Begin the school year on a high note by fellowshipping with your fellow University employees before students arrive and classes commence. Universities are by nature constantly-changing institutions, but we can strengthen each other through collaboration and unity. Featured... read more

Our New Homepage Feature

   Andrews Homepage: Disabled Features | Posted on July 29, 2015