Co-Curricular Education

Chapel: Summer Send Off

   Chapels and Forums | Posted on April 11, 2019
   Event Date: April 25, 2019 11:30 am
Campus Ministries, Student Life, AUSA and AUGSA invite you to look back over the year and then forward to a summer of opportunities ahead. We’ll swear in a new slate of officers for the coming year and take... read more

Seminary Worship: Communion, Jiri Moskala

   Seminary Worship | Posted on April 11, 2019
   Event Date: April 23, 2019 11:30 am

Jiri Moskala is professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology and dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.

Piano Studio Recital: Chi Yong Yun

   Co-Curricular Education | Posted on April 11, 2019
   Event Date: April 22, 2019 06:30 pm

Lamson Hall Dean's Worship

   Co-Curricular Education | Posted on April 11, 2019
   Event Date: April 14, 2019 08:00 pm

Worship with Dean Carmona.

AU Symphony Orchestra: Breath Becomes the Wind

   Howard Performing Arts Center | Posted on April 6, 2019
   Event Date: April 20, 2019 08:30 pm
The Andrews University Symphony Orchestra’s upcoming concert “Breath becomes the Wind” explores how, throughout history, human expression has led to dances in various cultures throughout the world. The program will begin with Andrews University’s director of piano studies,... read more

Chapel: Gianni Zanatta

   Chapels and Forums | Posted on April 4, 2019
   Event Date: April 18, 2019 11:30 am

Gianni Zanatta is a senior pre-medicine biology major from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A Meier Health Club student manager and Beaty Pool lifeguard, he enjoys power lifting, playing guitar, camping and being outdoors.

Grown: Fitness

   Co-Curricular Education | Posted on April 4, 2019
   Event Date: April 17, 2019 07:30 pm


Seminary Worship: Ray McAllister

   Seminary Worship | Posted on April 4, 2019
   Event Date: April 16, 2019 11:30 am

Ray McAllister (alumnus, 2010) became the first completely blind student to graduate with a PhD in religion from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.